Wednesday 28th October 2009, 13:10


I haven’t blogged in a record amount of time for me. I’d like to think this is because I’ve realised the true value of work, and that my creative energies are best focused on the epic film script I’ve just written. No. The truth is, I’ve found twitter.

To start I thought the two were able to co-exist. Micro-blogging and macro-blogging (this is macro-blogging, by the way. What a posh word for what is basically an apology to approximately no one)... But because twitter has that bite-sized quality, whatever you are thinking, so long as you are thinking a thing, can be squeezed into it. The fact that you can do it from your phone means that you can ‘tweet’ during a bad film in a cinema, or even a good film, or a minute before you go onstage, or even onstage itself (I have not done this... yet. Adam Hills, I hear tell, is a fan of this). It’s rare you’re out and about and think, “You know what I really need to get out there to the world: this 500-word long blog.” More likely it’s things like ‘Don’t go and see Saw VI: it’s rubbish’. Or ‘Had a lovely gig in Liverpool’. Or even more likely: ‘Had a lovely gig in Leeds’.

So that’s my reasoning for lack of blogging. I may blog more, now I’ve remembered too, but more than likely, my main witterings will be over on You don’t need to be on twitter to read them – you can just go to that link in the previous sentence. If you sign up though to twitter, then you can ‘follow’ (like friending on Facebook), and help soothe my ego. Twould be appreciated. Thanks.

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